Taryn Diamond

Yoga Teacher

Taryn (she/her) will forever call herself a ‘new mom’, despite having a five year old.

Her entry to yoga was through movement, but her passion ruminates in studying its roots in Eastern philosophy.

She is unabashed in her commitment to cheesy jokes and not taking this thing called ‘life’ too seriously.

Taryn is most passionate about teaching movement that breeds self-inquiry and compassion. Her classes purposefully amp up the agency of her students because, ultimately, we all have the best teachers within us.

If she had to pick one modality to be monogamous with, it would be Yoga Nidrā. Through nidrā, Taryn is able to express the golden nuggets embedded within the philosophy of yoga, while also facilitating some meaningful rest for her students.

Taryn holds the Yoga Alliance’s highest certifications, ERYT-500 and YACEP. This program can be counted as continuing education credits within the Yoga Alliance.