Energy Exchange Program

Our Energy Exchange Program is designed to offer yoga to those who may not be able to afford to pay for a membership or package.

How the program works

You volunteer approximately 2 hours per week to assist us with cleaning and in exchange we give you unlimited access to our drop-in class schedule, and staff pricing on any merchandise that you purchase for yourself.

We ask for a 6 month commitment to this program, and that you will be actively involved in our community (i.e. coming to classes regularly).

If you are interested in this program, please e-mail Alanda at a short letter telling us about yourself, your interest in yoga and why you would like to be involved in our community. Please be sure to include your full name, address and telephone number so that we can contact you to discuss this.

We are also open to trading yoga for other services that you or your business may offer. Please e-mail with your suggestion!