Shyla Beach

Studio Administrative Assistant

Shyla was introduced to the studio as a client in the Pilates Physiotherapy Program. She enjoyed that the studio had cultivated a space for movement that is welcoming to all. As someone who has navigated chronic pain for most of her life, she appreciated finding a facility that allowed her to exercise in a non-intimidating, safe and rewarding way.

Shortly after becoming a client, she was drawn to the sense of community in the studio and joined the guest services team at the front desk. With her keen eye for detail and organization skills, three years later she became the studio’s Administrative Assistant. While you may not see Shyla as much at the front desk anymore, don’t worry - she hasn’t gone far! You can still find Shyla in the studio multiple times a week, and is most spotted coming up from her office to make a cup of tea. 

Outside the studio, Shyla enjoys spending lots of time outside whether it be walking, hiking, a boat ride with her parents or spending time in her garden. A fun fact about Shyla is that she has been a vegetarian her entire life! She is also an avid animal lover, and is a proud cat mom to Beast. Shyla went to school for home renovation, and is coined as the studio’s “handywomen”. There is no toilet or loose doorknob she can’t fix.