Nicole Postma

Social Worker + ALIGN Program Facilitator | Yoga Teacher

A Registered Social Worker since 2006, Nicole began to get curious about the body’s response to trauma, relationships and challenges. In 2018 she began her journey into a whole and integrated approach to mental health starting with completing her Yoga Teacher Training for kids. She then became a 200 hour certified instructor before completing the 300 hour Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga Program from the Center for Trauma and Embodiment where she remains in good standing.

While building the ALIGN program, Nicole was an active instructor at Lost ‘n Found. In 2022, Nicole began to focus solely on the ALIGN program offering 1:1 therapy and group TCTSY movement.

Yoga Nidra Nicole has continued to grow her knowledge to understand the whole human’s experience of trauma and healing and in 2023, Nicole completed her 60- hour certificate in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, with the Embody Lab. She is also trained in Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra.

Through the ALIGN program, Nicole values the privilege of partnering with humans on their healing journey. She believes in empowering others to understand their own experiences whether physical, emotional or thought based and actively move towards healing through a variety of perspectives including TCTSY, somatic experiencing, CBT, neuroscience and other perspectives.