Late Cancellation Policy

March 17, 2023

Cancellation Window Changing from 1 hour to 3 hours
We are making an important change to our late-cancellation policy at Lost ‘n Found Yoga. Effective April 1, 2023 our latecancellation window for drop-in yoga and mat Pilates classes will change from 1 hour to 3 hours. This means that students that want to cancel their spot in a drop-in class must do so at least 3 hours (or more) before the class start time. Cancelling with less than 3 hours notice will be considered a “late cancellation“, and not attending a drop-in class that you have registered for is considered a “no-show”.

Late Cancellation and No-Show Fees
If you are using a class pass or single drop-in, a late cancellation or no show will result in a class being deducted from your class pass or your drop-in pass being used. If you are on an unlimited membership, there will be a $10+HST fee for late cancellations and no shows.

The reason we are changing the late cancellation window from 1 hour to 3 hours is because when students cancel just outside the 1 hour window (ie. 1 hour and 15 minutes) before class, this often isn’t enough time for students that were on a waitlist for a full class to get themselves ready and to the studio in time to participate in the class. More and more often we have waitlisted classes that end up with up to 30% of the class empty because of students cancelling so close to the class start time.

Late cancellation and no-show fees are standard practice in the industry. They help to prevent the abuse of unlimited memberships and improve class attendance. Although we already have a latecancellation fee policy, we have not applied it often. We understand there are sometimes last minute reasons students are not able to attend class, however, moving forward this will be applied consistently to all members.

Avoiding Late Cancellation and No Show Fees
If you are unsure if you will be able to attend a class you have signed up for, the best thing to do to avoid a late cancellation or no-show fee is to remove yourself from the class at least 3 hours before it starts, and re-sign up when you know that you can attend for sure. We are now allowing students to sign up for classes using our mobile app or our website up to 5 minutes before class starts, making it easier to get into classes last-minute. Remember though that if you sign up for a class less than 3 hours before the class starts, you will be considered as a late cancellation if you cancel out and the late cancellation and no-show policy will apply.

Please add yourself to a waitlist for a class if the class is full. Because most classes have people cancel out of them, students on the waitlist are often able to join the class. Please ensure that you have set up your account to receive notifications so that you will be notified by text or e-mail if you have been added to the class. These notifications are important because if you are added to a class from a waitlist you will be subject to the 3-hour latecancellation window and the late cancellation and no-show policy will apply if you late cancel or don’t show up.

Please note that our system will still automatically add you to a class from a waitlist up to 1 hour before a class begins. If you have been added to a class from a waitlist less than 3 hours before class begins and cannot attend you will not be charged a late cancellation fee. However, please let us know ASAP if you can’t make it so that we can open up your spot to someone else on the waitlist!

Reformer Pilates Group Classes:
Please note that the latecancellation window for our Reformer Pilates Group Classes has NOT changed and is still 12 hours before class begins. Cancelling with less than 12 hours notice from a Reformer Pilates Group Class will result in a Reformer Pilates class pass being used.

Private Sessions and Physiotherapy Appointments
Please note that the latecancellation window for our Private Sessions and Physiotherapy Appointments has NOT changed and is still 24 hours before your appointment. Cancelling with less than 24 hours notice from a Private Session or Physiotherapy Appointment will result in a fee of 50% of the price of the scheduled service.

Thank You!
Thanks SO much to all of you for being such amazing students and for being flexible to adapt to this new 3-hour late cancellation window policy. We look forward to seeing you on your mat again soon!

The Lost ‘n Found Yoga Team