Bryce Walker

Yoga Teacher

A recreational athlete all his life with a degree in Philosophy from Brock University (2002), Becoming a yoga teacher was only a matter of time for Bryce. He decided to “let it rip” and signed up for the 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program at Lost ‘n Found Yoga in 2024.

Bryce is known for his warm personality and creating a welcoming environment. His core values of authenticity, connection, humour and intention are evident in his classes. Bryce shows up as he is and holds space for you to do the same.

In his spare time you can find Bryce engaging with his passions such as listening to music (especially David Bowie), physical fitness, nutrition, the Raptors, and finally settling upon a true career (and not just a job). 

Bryce values all that Yoga has to offer, and loves sharing this gift with others.