Amanda Fong

Yoga Teacher

After retiring as a professional dancer and photographer, Amanda missed being part of a collaborative community. She walked half-heartedly into a yoga studio where she fell in love with the physical benefits of yoga. Years later, she sees yoga as a meaningful discipline through which she became a more caring, conscious and self-reflective student of life.

Amanda is known for creating community in her classes and a place of belonging. Whether working with a student or supporting a new teacher, Amanda encourages others to find their own sense of strength and purpose. She loves creating fluid empowering sequences allowing her students to go just outside their comfort zone and try something new. In the quieter practices of restorative and yin she holds space for her students to find stillness and calm. She loves seeing people find moments they can take off their mat.

Amanda has a passion for learning as evidenced by her many additional certifications including Meditation, Trauma Aware Yoga, Trauma Sensitive Yoga for Frontline Workers, Hands-On Assists, Yin and Restorative Yoga. She has relished the opportunities she has had to assist in leading some of these specialty trainings.